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Expense Sub-Type Check

Automate and track spend for customized sub-expense types


The Expense Sub-Type Check App allows corporations to configure custom sub-expense types, set threshold limits, and flag sub-expense types that exceed these threshold values. For example, a manager may allow their team members to buy work-from-home office equipment, such as an office chair, with a limit of $200. This App can configure "office chair" as a sub-expense type of work-from-home supplies and assign the appropriate risk levels based on dollar amounts. This App is an extension of the Amount Verification Expense Type model already included as part of the Autonomous Expense Audit solution.

Reduce manual work & enforce company policy

  • Create custom sub-expense types tied to expense line items
  • Apply appropriate threshold limits against the sub-expense type amounts
  • Flag sub-expense type risk as high, medium, or low based on threshold values
Expense Sub-Type Check

The leading AI platform for spend automation and compliance

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