Autonomous AP
Real AI that does the work for you
AppZen’s finance AI is the fastest way to impact your bottom line across invoices, expenses, and cards.
Autonomous AP
Invoice processing with an AI kick
With Autonomous AP, you get 100% guaranteed entry of every invoice in minutes, no matter how complex. Powerful finance AI reads and understands the content and context of every invoice’s line items to accurately match multi-line POs. It can predict GL code assignments, even for non-PO invoices, and audit 100% of your invoices for compliance. AI gives you the jolt of energy you need, making you more productive with less work.
MoreExpense Audit
Customized expense management without IT
Expense Audit’s AI knows alcohol brands, finds average meal costs, translates foreign receipts, and analyzes every report line for non-compliance and duplicates. Benchmark spend against your peers. Give managers customized team dashboards. End reimbursement bottlenecks with near-real-time reports and automated notifications. Our exclusive, customizable policy checks give you exactly what you need, every time.
MoreCard Audit
AI-based analysis for corporate card programs
Card Audit audits all your corporate card, P-card, T-card, and ghost card transactions as soon as they reach your bank. Its intelligent AI uses 3rd party data to spot misleading merchant codes, fraud, and non-compliance. It also flags compliance violations of sanctions and regulations lists. And it cross-checks for duplicates across invoices, expenses, and ERP systems. Never again be fooled by card tricks.