Pre-built Apps

Extend the power of AppZen

The only autonomous AI software for finance teams with guaranteed accuracy can also be customized to your business needs with easy-to-install, pre-built automations. 



Request a Custom App

Create and apply custom models to audit your special spend policies and rules

Double-Dip Detection

Prevents fraudulent meal expense double-dipping

Receipt Affidavit Tracker

Prevents abuse of affidavit overuse for missing receipts

Conflicting Expenses Tracker

Spots conflicting expenses in reports, preventing fraud risk

Hotel Itemization Auto-reject

Auto reject hotel expenses that do not include itemized receipts

Monitor Cash Expenses

Monitor employees' cash spend

Fapiao Authenticity Check

Verify whether receipts are registered with the Chinese Tax Bureau using an API service

Missing Tax Detection

Identify receipts that do not include tax

Personal Expense Detection

Track personal expenses on corporate cards

Blocklisted Merchant Detection

Flag expense report lines with blocklisted merchants

Conflicting Expenses Check

Detect conflicting expenses on the same expense report

Monitored Employees Audit

Proactively monitor named employees who represent high risk

Advance Booking Check

Avoid expensive, last-minute travel booking charges

Gift Form Check

Confirm the presence of gift approval documents for gift policy compliance

Tax Detection

Detect expense receipts containing taxes

Hotel Billing Check

Ensure hotels bill to the correct corporate entity for recovery of VAT and fraud reduction

Rental Car Accessories

Identify car rental charges for unauthorized accessories

Alcohol Check for Grants

Keep your alcohol program compliant and reduce risk with AppZen's Alcohol Check. Discover how this powerful solution uses AI technology to prevent non-compliant spending and streamline your finance processes.

Allowable Alcohol Check

Streamline your compliance processes with AppZen's Allowable Alcohol Check app. Our AI-powered solution makes it easy to identify and prevent non-compliant spending, so you can keep your expenses under control.

Attendee Type Check

Check if your attendee type is eligible for AppZen's AI-powered modern finance products. AppZen's Attendee Type Check helps you find out if you qualify for their offerings.

Expense Sub-Type Check

Verify amounts by sub-expense types

Missing Document Detection

Confirm the presence of missing documents, such as sign-in sheets

Fapiao Validation

Confirm the presence of key fapiao fields and adherence to the standard fapiao format

Keyword Audit

Check for high-risk keywords in expenses or receipt attachments

The leading AI platform for spend automation and compliance

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